Mosaic Kit Instructional Video

In the video is our explanation of how to go about completing your mosaic piece within the bigger picture. As stated by Stephen Covey, the whole is bigger than the sum of this parts. Our aim is to encourage family engagement, collaboration, learning something new, sparking new ideas by creating a story around the mosaic steps. The idea came about with COVID and the impacts its having on family relationships and lives. The end mosaic piece is going to be a splash of mosaic color which leads into the new Tech Hub of your school. 
Please take a few pics or short videos of your process as we want to create a short video clip of the collective process. Note: not all kits will have the same colours as in the demonstration, however you use the same concept. Some tiles have grooves on the back – that is the wrong side of the tile.   If you are unsure of anything you welcome to send me a Whatsapp and we will gladly assist. Kerry. – 079 0423 908 The most important aspect is to make it an exciting experience.